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Self-Compassion For Ourselves and Our Children.

6-week online course program was recorded on Monday, the 11th of March, from 7 to 9 pm GMT (3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT ) With Dr. Chris Willard, Wendy O'Leary and Louise Shanagher.
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Sharing self compassion with ourselves and the children who we care for.

This six week program will be a comprehensive introduction to self compassion based practices both for ourselves and the children we care for. World leading mindfulness expert Dr Chris Willard will give a deep introduction to the theory and science of self compassion. Award winning author and mindfulness educator Wendy O'Leary will focus on the importance of nurturing our own self compassion practice. She will also share practical and playful methods of introducing self compassion to our children. Louise will share fun and creative practices for intergrating self compassion into the fabric of family life.

The workshop series is a beautiful opportunity to deepen your own understanding of self compassion and nurture your personal self compassion practice. The series will equip you with a toolbox of practical, fun and child friendly self compassion based meditations, activities and practices.

The recordings are:

  • Dr. Chris Willard: "The Science and Theory of Self Compassion"

Was on Monday 11th of March 2024
Was on Monday 18th of March 2024

  • Wendy O'Leary: "Self Compassion Practices for Ourselves and Our Children"

Was on Monday 25th of March 2024
On Monday 1st of April 2024

  • Louise Shanagher: "Nurturing Self-Compassion in Family Life"

Was on Monday 8th of April 2024
Was on Monday 15th of April  2024

Thank you for watching the recording of this lovely programme!

Content of the program: