Mindfulness Research Articles
Recent Research Papers on the Benefits of Mindfulness & Self-Compassion for Children, Teens & Adults
Self-Compassion for
Adults & Parents
1. Self-compassion Intervention for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Feasibility Study
2. Soothing Your Heart and Feeling Connected: A New Experimental Paradigm to Study the Benefits of Self-Compassion
3. Self-Compassion: Theory, Method, Research, and Intervention
4. Examining the
Influence of Self-compassion Education and Training Upon Parents
and Families When Caring for their Children: A Systematic Review
5. Effects of a Virtual Mindful Self-Compassion Training on Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Empathy, Wellbeing & Stress in Uruguayan Primary School Teachers During Covid-19 Times
6. The relationship between mindfulness facets, self-compassion, and aggression in young adult women
7. Parenting Stress and Self-Compassion in Parents of Children with and Without Psychological Disorders
Self-Compassion for Children
1. A Self-Compassion Intervention Program for Children in Greece
2. A school intervention promotes compassion, empathy and social relationships in children
3. Mindfulness group intervention improved self-compassion and resilience of children from single-parent families in Tibetan areas
Self-Compassion for Teens
1. Do Mindfulness-Based Interventions Increase Empathy and Compassion in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review
2. The protective role of self-compassion on test anxiety among adolescents
3. Self-Compassion for Adolescents: the Role of Education in Scotland
4. Linking Self-Compassion and Prosocial Behavior in Adolescents: The Mediating Roles of Relatedness and Trust
Mindfulness for Children & Teens
1. State of the Research: Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents
2. Does a mindfulness-based intervention strengthen mindfulness stress buffering effects in adolescence? A preliminary investigation
3. Benefits of a Mindfulness-based Intervention at School from the Perspective of At-risk Children
4. Teachers' Perspectives on the Benefits of Using Mindfulness to Promote the Well- Being and Mental Health of Children
The Benefits of Mindfulness & Compassion for Children, Teens & Adults from Disadvantaged Areas & Backgrounds Research Papers.
1. “I Feel Mad Light”: Sharing Mindfulness-Based Strategies with Troubled Youth
2 . The impact of mindfulness meditation on self-esteem and self-compassion among prisoners
3. Mindfulness equity and Western Buddhism: reaching people of low socioeconomic status and people of color
4. Making Friends with Yourself: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study of a Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Adolescents
5. Self-Compassion As A Potential Mediator Of Shame and Aggression in Youth Offenders
6. The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation and Self-Compassion on Criminal Impulsivity in a Prisoner Sample
7. Mindfulness-based interventions for youth in the criminal justice system: a review of the research-based literature
8. A protocol for a systematic critical realist synthesis of school mindfulness interventions designed to promote pupils' mental wellbeing
The Personal Practice of Mindfulness Practitioners, Therapists & Teachers and its Effectiveness on Intervention
1. Impact of Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training on MBSR Participant Well-Being Outcomes and Course Satisfaction
2. The Impact of a Regular Mindfulness Practice on Teachers: A Critical Review
3. Meta-analysis of mindfulness training on teacher well-being
4. The Role of Practitioner Resilience and Mindfulness in Effective Practice: A Practice-Based Feasibility Study
5. Cultivating presence : effects of therapist's mindfulness meditation on therapeutic presence
6. Does Having Clients and Therapists Practice Mindfulness Together Have a Positive Impact on Psychotherapy Sessions?
7. Effect of Mindfulness practices on mental health among mindfulness practitioners and non-practitioners